Cheat selling site CxCheats announced via their Discord server that they would cease development of Call Of Duty cheats following a lawsuit from Activision. The server does not appear to be accessible anymore, though a screenshot of the announcement has been posted to Reddit. Although the website is currently inaccessible, our corporate siblings at Eurogamer report that Apex Legends and PUBG cheats were still listed for sale on the site even after Call Of Duty cheats had been removed. That doesn’t lend a whole lot of credence to the apology itself, but I suppose I wasn’t expecting any genuine remorse. This is yet another move by Activision and Infinity Ward to cut down on cheating in Call Of Duty: Warzone. They previously banned 50,000 cheaters from Warzone, though that number has certainly increased since. They’ve also matched cheaters together in cheater lobbies and enforced mandatory two-factor authentication. Meanwhile in Modern Warfare, console players are ditching cross-play to avoid PC players for fear of cheating. Even for all that, this certainly won’t be the last we hear of cheaters in Warzone or other Call Of Duty games. The fight for a fair battlefield will continue as always, but seeing one source of cheats removed is a nice battle won in the war.