This is particularly important in Cyberpunk 2077, because as you may have noticed, constantly picking the highest-stat clothing for V almost always ends up making them look completely ridiculous, and just about as far from “cool” as possible. But with Patch 1.6, CD Projekt Red have added transmog to Cyberpunk 2077, allowing you to keep the stat bonuses of your best weapons while simultaneously displaying your favourite outfits to the inhabitants of Night City. Read on to find out how the new transmog feature works, and how to use it.
How does transmog work in Cyberpunk 2077?
To use transmog in Cyberpunk 2077, you need to go to your Apartment and interact with your wardrobe. As of Patch 1.6, you can create and save up to 6 outfits from within your wardrobe, mixing and matching whatever clothing you want in order to make your ideal look for V. When you first open up your wardrobe after Patch 1.6, a tutorial panel will appear explaining how transmog works. Click past this panel and you can start creating outfits out of the clothes you currently have in your inventory. Once you’ve saved an outfit in your wardrobe, you can go into your inventory at any time and click on the Outfit panel on the right-hand side of your screen. Now select the outfit you want V to wear. Once an outfit is selected, you can go back into your main inventory and swap out your clothes for those items with the best armour ratings and stats. But V will still look like they’re wearing the outfit you chose for them. Transmog is a wonderful thing. That’s everything we have to report on the new transmog capabilities in Cyberpunk 2077. But we’ve got plenty more to discuss with CDPR’s latest open-world RPG. To make V as powerful as she looks, check out our best Cyberpunk 2077 builds guide for setups for every playstyle. You can also make use of your new sense of style to woo your favourite NPCs with our Cyberpunk 2077 romance guide. Or you can get a better look at your new outfit in action with our guide on how to play Cyberpunk 2077 in third person mode. For everything else Cyberpunk, check out our Cyberpunk 2077 walkthrough hub.