Valve say 1.0 will be ready by the end of next month, and will introduce a Battlepass, UI updates, and a revamped Hero/ Item rotation. It will also include the City Crawl, which Valve haven’t described but I suspect will resemble Dota 2’s Cavern Crawl and more recent Jungle Expedition. They’re nothing dramatic, just a more deliberate way of unlocking cosmetics by choosing extra goals in normal games. The post also mentions there’ll be one more update before the big one, tossing in a fourth Underlord. Yesterday’s update introduces a one second pause before you can select an ability when your Underlord levels up, so you don’t pick one accidentally. I highlight this because it has happened to me and it’s the worst. Good change, that. Loads of hero abilities have been tweaked, though I’ve lost track of their significance. A big problem with multiplayer games is that people get too good at them, and it’s even worse in Dunderlords because people have gotten too good at a game that’s very different to when I was decent at it. Dunderlords works because of its swirling network of heroes and synergies, but over-complication is its weakness, too. Understanding why you’re losing gets harder as the swirl grows swirlier. So say I in my Dota Underlords review.