I remain extremely into the look of ghostly twin-stick shooter Hauntii (coming to Steam): I can see why you might think early work-in-progress has Kingdom Hearts fashion but no, it’s Hot Topic mall goth. The dev has described it has described this game as “a Souls-like that takes place in the American Midwest” and I think there’s one subtle but important distinction between that aesthetic and Kingdom Hearts, the energy drinks: I try not to post the same game too often but after last week I encouraged immersive sim Spectra to make its new cigarette machines interactive (and I did very much enjoy the suggestion from RPS commenter “poliovaccine” that cigarettes in immersive sims should be a social currency letting you enter conversation with smokers), it would be irresponsible if I didn’t follow up and point out that yes, the dev has now done made them dispense packets of fags: Likewise, I cannot resist all these objects to fiddle with in Interior Worlds: Skeleton-parrying FPS Voidborn (coming to Steam) looks extremely my bag: We continue the stylish violence with Godbeast Mk.II (coming to Steam), which has more GIFs to admire if you click on through to the full tweet: Ah go on then, let’s have one last touch of stylish violence, from V.A Proxy (coming to Steam): Okay fine, let’s have some mixed dual-wielding from immersive sim-ish sneak-o-shooter Peripeteia (coming to Steam) too: I cannot resist water simulation, like in this demo pit from action-adventure RPG Alakenisland (out now in Steam Early Access): Let’s close with one of the simplest pleasures, a nice sunset from Theater - The Game (free beta available on Itch): What else caught your eye this weekend, reader dear?